Tuesday, September 25, 2012

White Bikes

Bike for Iris Stagner, photo by Libby Cluett
You may have seen them along the side of a road, and wondered, "what's up with the white bike?"

A memorial for a cyclist seriously injured or killed, white bikes or "ghost bikes," are put up near the scene of an accident to remind motorists to drive safely.

This is a ghost bike for our friend Iris Stagner, a cycling safety advocate, who lost her life last week riding her bike home from work.  The cause is still under investigation, but early reports indicate the motorist may have been medically-impared.  Regardless of cause, the result was tragic.  Iris was a board member for Bike Texas and passionate advocate for safety and a volunteer in our Texas Mountain Trail program.  At the request of her family, Bike Texas established a memorial fund.  You can read more about the fund here.

So when you see a white bike, think safety. Cyclists have a right to the road.  Want a refresher on safety tips as a motorist? Watch this video


Want to review some safety tips for cyclists?  Watch this video:


  1. Beth, thanks for posting these videos! I'm reminded of how much fun I had riding my bike as a teenager and wish I could take it up again. Also, I'm so sorry for the loss of your dear friend, and you've honored her in such a beautiful way in the past week. Thinking about you guys.

  2. Thank you so very much, Kristin! I sure hope you can hop on a bike soon and enjoy the freedom! Appreciate your kind words. B
